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Programming Tutorials, Help, Etc.
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The point of this thread is to be a collaboration of tutorials, guides, and all other like things, from around the web, to help prevent the hassle of going through webpage after webpage looking for quality references, or in Omnimaga’s case, a lot of different threads, sub-forums, and posts.

This is where you guys come into play. I want you guys to provide links to websites that you know are good sites, have good reference material, have good tutorials, and basically just anything that is helpful to people. The range of topics is not limited in the least. If you find something you think we would all find beneficial then post it.

Thanks you to anyone who contributes to this thread. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

TI-83P/84P BE/SE:
TI-BASIC (Pure/Hybrid):
{AP}'s Celtic III Scrolling Backround Tutorial (Celtic III knowledge required)
{AP}'s Spriting with Hex Tutorial
Meishe91's Collision Detection Code Breakdown
Meishe91's Jump Code Breakdown
Meishe91's Movement Code Breakdown
Ztrumpet's Vertical Text Sprite Tutorial
Z80 Assembly:
Deep Thought's Floating Point Tutorial
Hot_Dog's Z80 for the Absolute Beginner Lessons (TI-BASIC, or at least some general programming, knowledge is recommended but not necessary)
-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Appendix A, Appendix C, Appendix D (all links are to the actual PDF download)
Axe: (code examples span accross all the Axe versions)
Builderboy's Flame Graphic Tutorial
Builderboy's Physics Lessons
-Gravity (TI-BASIC Code), Trigonometry (TI-BASIC Code), Cellular Automata, Virtual Pixel Testing
Deep Thought's Arrays in Axe Tutorial (Enemy/Bullet Code)
Deep Thought's How to Make a Shoot'em Up Game
Deep Thought's Pointer Breakdown
FinaleTI's External Variable Tutorial
Hot_Dog, Nemo, and Runer112's Tutorial for Bit Manipulation
Kindermoumoute and Willrandship's 8 Level Grayscale Tutorial
Kindermoumoute's Axe Tutorial (French)
Nemo's ** Command Tutorial
Runer112's Huffman Compression Tutorial
Scout's Axe Grayscale Tutorial
Scout's Fix Command Tutorial
Shmibs Pseudo-Huffman Compression Tutorial
SirCmpwn's Axe Tilemap Tutorial
Squidgetx's Grayscale Tutorial
Squidgetx's Slope Physics Tutorial
-Part 1, Part 2
Squidgetx's VAT Tutorial
Yunhua98's Tilemapping Tutorial
Jhgenius01's Tutorial for Making a Moving Screenshot
Apcalc's Setting Up a C Development Environment for the TI-Nspire Tutorial
General Concepts/Ideas/Other
Deep Thought's Help Thread for Crashed Calculators
Eeem's Platformer Program Workflow Tutorial (code examples are in Axe)
Omnimaga's Rules for Making Platformers
Qwerty.55's Game/Program Design Tutorial
Raylin's Rules for Making RPGs
SirCmpwn's Tutorial for Starting to Write an Operating System

TI-BASIC Developer's Introduction to TI-BASIC (Not Fully Complete)

If there are any Omnimaga produced tutorials I have left out that you know of please either direct me to it or tell me where it is or something. I would greatly appreciate it. It deserves to be here.

One last note. If ANY links are broken or something please just send me a PM informing me which one it is. I would like to keep this as up-to-date as possible. Thanks, and thanks again everyone for contributions.
Well, I don't know much about asm, but if you want to learn fast, you could just read through the xLIB-Readme - that's how I learned most of the commands :);ReadMe.txt

I just found this on google  ;D
I would say but I just discovered that it closed... If you know French, this website is very good.
DJ Omnimaga:
I think he meant for stuff other than calculators. Unfortunately I am not too familiar with that, though, so I cannot really help much x.x
* DJ Omnimaga hopes Meishe91 isn't quitting calcs :O
No, no, I'm not quitting calc stuff. I've just always been interested programming in other things too. So I figured I'd ask since I have seen there are some talented guys out here :)

This is also for any type of programming really, calc or non-calc related. Preferably though if it is calc related though it would be better if it was a not so well known things or something like that.
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