
General Discussion => Other Discussions => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Yeong on May 26, 2011, 07:58:45 pm

Title: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: Yeong on May 26, 2011, 07:58:45 pm
Minemeans "I think therefore I am;you think but ur not
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: Binder News on May 26, 2011, 08:02:45 pm
Cerebrum non habes: you have no brain
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: Yeong on May 26, 2011, 08:08:01 pm
It should be habes ;)
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: Binder News on May 26, 2011, 08:08:38 pm
I used Google Translate
EDIT: so what is the unconjugated form of habes? Haber?
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: ruler501 on May 26, 2011, 08:10:04 pm
My quotes are:
Ceritas vos Liberabit: The truth will set you free
Nil Sine magno labore: nothing without great effort
Carpe diem: seize the day
Cogito Ergo sum: I think therefore I am(this one seems quite popular for sigs)
Errare humanum est: to err is human
Festina Lente: make haste slowly

I like latin quotes if you can't tell
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: Yeong on May 26, 2011, 08:11:30 pm
Why do I see so many "perdidisti ludum" ?
-Perdidi ludum. Perio ludum. Periam ludum.
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: ruler501 on May 26, 2011, 08:12:37 pm
I don't where it got started but it is commonly accepted to mean the same as the ones you mentioned. Do they have different meanings? I might add one to my sig
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: Binder News on May 26, 2011, 08:14:07 pm
They mean I/you/we/etc lost the game
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: Darl181 on May 26, 2011, 08:17:28 pm
I think DJ started it when he made it his custom title.
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: ruler501 on May 26, 2011, 08:19:41 pm
Perio ludum is you lost the game right?
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: Darl181 on May 26, 2011, 08:20:45 pm
perdidisti ludlum (sp?)= the game
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: turiqwalrus on May 26, 2011, 08:22:35 pm
it's 'you have lost the game' :P
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: Ashbad on May 26, 2011, 08:42:36 pm
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: ruler501 on May 26, 2011, 08:43:47 pm
Ashbad I think there was an unmentioned in english at the end of the title
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: Juju on May 26, 2011, 09:14:49 pm
Damn, my quote is in english. You may see it in French in other forums though.

Spoiler For Quote:
We are in 2034. The situation on Earth is catastrophic. The ozone layer has been completely destroyed by the carbonic gas of automobiles, the chemical industries, and the poosh-poosh in little cans. In the end, the earth cooks under the rays of the sun. We must find a planet on which can live 6 billion idiots. The planetary federation turns to the strongest country in the world: Canada. It is Canadian knowledge that has allowed, on October 28, 2034, the launch of the spaceship Romano Fafard, which leaves earth to search the confines of the Universe. Where the hand of man has never set foot.
Spoiler For Exact same quote, but in French:
Nous sommes en 2034, la situation sur la Terre est plus que catastrophique : la couche d'ozone est complètement détruite par les gaz carboniques des voitures, l'industrie chimique et le push-push en ca-canne. Résultat : la Terre se meurt sous les rayons du soleil. Les récoltes sont complètement brûlées, il n'y a presque plus d'eau potable, et les compagnies de crème solaire s'enrichissent. La situation devient urgente: il faut trouver une nouvelle planète pour y déménager 6 milliards de tatas. La fédération planétaire se tourne vers la première puissance mondiale : le Canada. C'est le savoir-faire canadien qui permet l'envol, le 28 octobre 2034, du vaisseau spatial Romano Fafard qui quitte la Terre vers les confins de l'univers. Là, où la main de l'Homme n'a jamais mis le pied.
Spoiler For Exact same quote, but Google Translated in Latin:
MMXXXIV sumus, locus in terra quam ruinosa: et omnino ozone layer perdidit carbon dioxide in a cars Chemica impulsus industria-poli-pulsus AC. Result est terra sub sole mori. Frumentum comburuntur, fere nulla est potum et turmas sunscreen creti. Situs urget debemus Quaere novum planetam moveri tatas billion VI. Global spectat foedere mundi potentissimi: Canada. Canadian est quoniam Scio sino fuga XXVIII Octobris, MMXXXIV et Romano spaceship Earth Fafard discedens ad extremam universi. Illic manu hominis pedem.
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: Yeong on May 26, 2011, 09:20:04 pm
I used Google Translate
EDIT: so what is the unconjugated form of habes? Haber?
Its from the latin word "habeo"

Also, it was:
I lost the game , I lose the game , I will lose the game
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: ruler501 on May 26, 2011, 09:53:44 pm
what's you lost the game?
Title: Re: what is your latin sig quote?
Post by: Yeong on May 26, 2011, 10:54:39 pm
Perdidisti ludum.