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131kb RAM in TI -84+SE?!


Would someone mind telling me why TI Connect CE claims that my Ti-84+SE has 131kb RAM? Shouldn't it be 128kb?

128kb = 128*1024 = 131072 bytes, so they're just using the decimal SI prefixes.

Aaaahh.... So TI doesn't know to use binary?! Or are they doing this to confuse users?

Wait, so TI is actually admitting that TI-84+SEs have more than 24 KiB of RAM? I thought they never would do that  O.O


--- Quote from: CalcMax on January 14, 2017, 06:57:47 am ---Aaaahh.... So TI doesn't know to use binary?! Or are they doing this to confuse users?

--- End quote ---
Nope, they are just using the International System of Units (SI) version of the Kilobyte which states that since kilo used as a prefix means 1000 (103), a Kilobyte is 1000 bytes. Basically they are using the internationally accepted Metric measurement.

--- Quote from: JosJuice on January 14, 2017, 11:36:38 am ---Wait, so TI is actually admitting that TI-84+SEs have more than 24 KiB of RAM? I thought they never would do that  O.O

--- End quote ---
They just say that it's got 24KB of available RAM. (Notice the KB not the KiB)


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