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Gamebuino 2048

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Guess I'm making a Gamebuino game now ::)

My first project is 2048 (took me a while to design the graphics; if it were as big as a TI-84+ screen, I'd have had my graphics already XD )

Screenie (shows some gimmicky popup messages):

Use the arrow keys to move the tiles. Use A to save your current game, B to reset your game, and C to quit to the title screen. B+A (holding B and tapping A) gives you an option to delete your save (non-functional for some reason in the screenie, but works fine in real life :thumbsup: )


* Add way to win
* Add way to lose
* What else do you think I should do, guys?

.zip attached. Includes .ino file (source), .hex file (compiled game), and .gif of gameplay. Tell me what you think!

Wow, that looks nice ! I like those pop-ups, they look like mini-achievements :P

Maybe you can add a timed version where you try to make the highest score ?

The popups are part of the gamebuino library, lol :p

Also, as already said on the gamebuino forum, I like it ^.^


--- Quote from: Matrefeytontias on March 09, 2015, 02:31:18 pm ---Wow, that looks nice ! I like those pop-ups, they look like mini-achievements :P

Maybe you can add a timed version where you try to make the highest score ?

--- End quote ---
Yeah... I literally write gb.popup(F("Message"),time_in_frames); . XD Although that wouldn't be a bad thing to try to implement on a calc...

And actually, a different mode of gameplay like that isn't a bad idea! Once I get finished with everything else, I could do that. :)


* Added way to win
* Added way to lose
* This is pretty much a finished game right now.


* What else do you think I should do, guys?
* Wonder what my next project will be...
* ...will do serious game making work when I get the thing by the end of the month.


.zip attached. Tell me what you think!


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