General Discussion > Other

Gamebuino 4LvL Grayscale


So yeah, after looking up how to do AVR inline assembly in arduino c++, looking at instruction sets, reverse-engineering existing programs to know how to communicate with the screen and porting axe's 4lvl grayscale routine i managed to port it to Gamebuino!

I'll release source once I'll get some things cleaned up.

For those who don't know what this is: This is basically an arduino with one of those nokia 84*48px monochrome screens

That's pretty sweet! ^^ I kinda wana get one of these now seeing what you and Jwinslow have been doing. :)


--- Quote from: Art_of_camelot on March 24, 2015, 07:00:33 pm ---That's pretty sweet! ^^ I kinda wana get one of these now seeing what you and Jwinslow have been doing. :)

--- End quote ---
Get one, they'r only 40€ including shipping :3


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