General Discussion > Other

New Desktop. Or as I like to call it, Batman.

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--- Quote from: Sorunome on September 24, 2013, 04:11:35 am ---you also need a seperate semicolon button :P

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Don't forget to include the C, V, and X buttons;

Wait. Which keyboard are we talking about? The small one or the big one;

How about that google tab thingy where you only need two buttons? :D

... or that apple tab thingy where you need no buttons at all cause you can just throw it out of the window *ducks*

Btw, a real keyboard looks like this, of course:


--- Quote from: Streetwalker on September 24, 2013, 12:42:23 pm ---Hmm this keyboard looks nice but it looks like it lacks a couple modifiers and a numpad. Also I guess it's mechanical ?

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there's nothing on a full sized keyboard (apart from pause/play/forward/backwards media buttons, i guess) that this one can't do. having the F# keys be secondary functions of the # keys is a little annoying sometimes, but all the other combinations (fn+[, /, ;, ' for up, down, left, and right, for example) are actually a lot easier. the switches are topres; they're capacitive, and use a combination of a higher quality rubber dome and a conical spring to avoid the "mushiness" of standard rubber dome keyboards and the "clickiness" of mechanicals.


--- Quote from: utz on September 24, 2013, 05:06:12 pm ---... or that apple tab thingy where you need no buttons at all cause you can just throw it out of the window *ducks*

Btw, a real keyboard looks like this, of course:

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that's a pretty cool one! Where is it originally from?


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