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So Microsoft joins the Linux Foundation
This is no joke, apparently MS joined the Linux Foundation.
(Or just search using your fav. search engine and you'll find tons of articles on it) (Oh, also )

What do you think of it?

I am personally interested to see the development of this and hope the following:
[*]Better cross-platform compability
[*]throwing more money at linux means more dev? Yay!
[*]MS won't screw up linux by adding tons of spyware and stuff. About this point, I am quite certain (while not sure) that they are unable to do that, as, even though being member of the linux foundation, think they still have to follow the guidelines, and i'd be quite surprised if adding spyware stuff would be against said guidelines.

What do you guys think? Discuss!

--- Quote from: Sorunome on November 17, 2016, 02:52:30 am ---This is no joke, apparently MS joined the Linux Foundation.
What do you guys think? Discuss!

--- End quote ---
Well, i'd say that M$ is looking for some profit opportunity, as usual btw (nothing wrong with that in this Trump's era).
Regarding the virus-like stuff, unfortunately nowadays almost every big company does it in total impunity, and there's seems to be no solution in the near future (say 30 years or so from now). Only to name a few like Google, Facebook, etc, etc. My advice, be a bit suspicious before joining their widely advertised as open communities (including open source code), because very often it is just an "under the belt" trick.
However, M$ is, as a matter of fact, a lot more better structured organization unlike the Linux folks. So in general, we might expect some Linux's products quality improvements.

--- Quote from: c4ooo on November 20, 2016, 01:53:17 pm ---

--- End quote ---
Well, that's an interesting read.
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