Calculator Community > Grammer

[grammer] Problem with trigonometry

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Overall, the one thing I like best about Grammer is that you can make programs as quickly as you can in BASIC. If you test the program and you need to change something, just press ON to break the program, edit the code, and run it again-- no need to compile the source. It is also why I like programming in hexadecimal. It is often more efficient for how quickly you can program something.

However, if you need something to be really fast, I would go with Axe since it is highly efficient and a lot faster to code in than Assembly (if you are used to Axe).


--- Quote from: Xeda112358 on May 13, 2013, 01:34:36 pm ---Overall, the one thing I like best about Grammer is that you can make programs as quickly as you can in BASIC. If you test the program and you need to change something, just press ON to break the program, edit the code, and run it again-- no need to compile the source. It is also why I like programming in hexadecimal. It is often more efficient for how quickly you can program something.

However, if you need something to be really fast, I would go with Axe since it is highly efficient and a lot faster to code in than Assembly (if you are used to Axe).

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Yeah, I know all of that, and I have nothing against Grammer (also, if Grammer gets ported on the CSE before Axe, I'll use it instead ;)), I was just telling mdr1 that his arguments were not good.


--- Quote from: Hayleia on May 13, 2013, 01:41:51 pm ---Yeah, I know all of that, and I have nothing against Grammer (also, if Grammer gets ported on the CSE before Axe, I'll use it instead ;)), I was just telling mdr1 that his arguments were not good.

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Well, if you could answer to my last post, it would be really great ! ;)
My arguments are that Grammer's programs are really light, enough to make profitable the 16,384 bytes used by the application when we begin having enough programs, and that Axe's programs are faster. Which is wrong ?

None of those assumptions are false. But the first one doesn't apply since Grammer programs are not in a high number (don't know why btw, Grammer has as much potential as Axe, maybe just because it came after Axe).


--- Quote from: Hayleia on May 13, 2013, 02:01:06 pm ---None of those assumptions are false. But the first one doesn't apply since Grammer programs are not in a high number (don't know why btw, Grammer has as much potential as Axe, maybe just because it came after Axe).

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Of course. And this is a point to improve Grammer's programs number. It's like libraries : an enough number of programs is required to make it usefull for memory space.


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