Calculator Community > Grammer

Grammer Q&A

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Ok, so how would I access the information?

would B + 1 get me the 2nd byte? Also, how would I add more data to the end?

Edit: Ninja'd :P

accessing byte XD
if it's 8bit number, do (B+1)
if it's 16bit number, do {B+1}
EDIT: didn't see that post XP

Adding more data to the end... there is not a command yet (I plan to eventually add that as augment(, though).
And yes, B+1 will access the second byte :)

Also, the ) and } are solely for aesthetics. Grammer doesn't actually recognise them XD

What are the differences between the app version and the program version? (or is there only the app version now?)


--- Quote from: Xeda112358 on November 15, 2011, 12:50:11 pm ---Also, the ) and } are solely for aesthetics. Grammer doesn't actually recognise them XD

--- End quote ---
But it looks nice and clean that way :P


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