Calculator Community > Grammer

Grammer Tutorial

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--- Quote from: Xeda112358 on April 05, 2012, 07:30:48 am ---Aww, none of the complicated things like storing to multiple variables or using lowercase instead of primes? :P Nice job, you are explaining it quite well so far o.o

--- End quote ---
Hence, the chapter named "BASIC math and variables" :P

Complicated stuff comes later. ;D

Yeah, good job so far with not destroying the users minds before getting to the scary fun stuff XD

and I thought the temp memory stuff was kinda scary to users. :D
Now for loops and conditonals... :D

EDIT: Haven't uploaded yet but I fixed some thing. I mentioned that the Grammer does not follow the order of operations.

Yeah, that stuff is going to be really scary x.x You might want to include using ! before a Repeat and While as a way to negate and stuff. Also, the way Grammer parses conditions is that it executes all the way to a newline token, so if you use : to separate lines and math in a condition, it will work out. For example:

--- Code: ---Repeat 3*A:+7:*3:-37

--- End code ---
That line parses to:

Ah. That's nice to know. :D
Also, I'm including ! part before any If/Then and loops.


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