Calculator Community > Grammer

GrayTile Editor


For those wanting a grayscale tile editor for their grayscale tilemaps, this is what I made for Samocal. It creates the appvar TILES of the right size for 32 gray tiles. The first 4 bytes contain info, so if you want to use this for a tilemap, you will need an offset of 4 bytes into the var. For example:

T will now point to the tile data :) The sprites are 8x8 and the controls are:
[+] Arrows move the little cursor
[+] [Mode] exits
[+] [Clear] clears the data
[+] + and - cycle through the sprites
[+] [2nd] draws a gray pixel
[+] [Enter] draws a black pixel
[+] [Del] draws a white pixel

Also displayed are the masks (graymask and black mask). If you want to, you can definitely use this to make masked sprite data as well. Anywhere that is gray will show the background, white appears as white, black appears as black.

Looks nice. But I dont have grammer :P

D: That is okay, this is more because Yeong asked me to release this XD I wonder what yeong plans to use this for o.o

DJ Omnimaga:
I like how each layers updates in real time. Nice touch here. A lot of sprite editors only lets you see one layer at a time :)

Thanks :) I figured that because it wasn't too difficult, I would do that. I wanted to be able to see what I was making.


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