Calculator Community > Grammer

What's wrong with this code ?

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Hello blg_flg. Welcome to Omnimaga! Don't worry to much if your code isn't perfect. We were all beginners once. :) We also have many people who have English as a second language, so don't worry about that too much either.

He did it ! He registered ! :D Nice to meet you too.
Well, congratulations. I will give you a cookie on TI-Planet.

--- Quote ---Ps: @Xeda: Do you still want to make a TI-83 Grammer?
--- End quote ---
I +1 the question, and I hope that yes... (but this is a bit off-topic)

I still would like to at some point, but I don't know when I would do that .__. Also, welcome blg_flg :D The code wasn't that bad. At least it worked when the bugs were fixed :)

Xeda, can you post the code (or an .8xp) of your second falldown please? (That one.)

I would be interested in that, because I didn't already see many Grammer codes and it seems to be the best version in between. Thanks in advance.  :)

Edit: and can you explain to me the purpose of the "Return" in your code (the first line).

The first Return ?

If Grammer is not installed, the program exits.


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