Calculator Community > Grammer

What's wrong with this code ?

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Yep, if Grammer isn't installed and you try to run the program, it will be run as a BASIC program, so it exits. If it is run as a Grammer program, the first "." tells it that it is a label, so it skips the line.

And here is the code:

--- Code: ---:.0:Return
:While Y=abs(Y
:If K=10
:If K=11
:If <86: and !Line(Ans,Y,6,6,15
:If Y<52: and !Line(X,Y+6,1,6,14
:Repeat 1
:If P xor 1→P
:If L+1→L=5: and M>14
:If θ': and P>0

--- End code ---

Ok. Thank you very much! :) But what's the prgmZ?

Edit: Ah ok the hooks were not activated... --'

Xeda has not activated his hooks.

"prgm" is "call", so, it means "call Z"

Spoiler For Take a look at the wonderful humor of Adriweb: (17:17:08) Adriweb: Yes, Xeda is not a hooker.
(17:17:13) Adriweb: that's it.
(17:17:13) Adriweb runs very far......

Yes, sorry, I always forget to activate the token hook XD 'prgm' turns into 'call '

Also, very funny Adriweb >.> :P


--- Quote ---:If <86: and !Line(Ans,Y,6,6,15
--- End quote ---

By this, do you mean "If Ans=/=0 and Ans<86:Line(Ans,etc..." ?


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