Calculator Community > Grammer

What's wrong with this code ?

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--- Quote from: persalteas on February 19, 2013, 12:10:08 pm ---
--- Quote ---:If <86: and !Line(Ans,Y,6,6,15
--- End quote ---

By this, do you mean "If Ans=/=0 and Ans<86:Line(Ans,etc..." ?

--- End quote ---
The "If <86" part would translate to TI-BASIC as:

--- Code: ---If Ans<86 and Ans≥0
--- End code ---
Then Line(Ans,Y,6,6,15 is used to pixel-test the rectangular region, so !Line(Ans,Y,6,6,15 means in TI-BASIC:

--- Code: ---not(Line(Ans,Y,6,6,15    ;pretend this still pixel tests the region

--- End code ---
Remember that ':' can be used in an If statement to separate different parts. So the line translates to:

--- Code: ---:If (Ans<86 and Ans≥0) and not(Line(Ans,Y,6,6,15

--- End code ---

Oh. yes.

I have forgotten that Line could have a pixel-test role. (cf my question in Grammer 3 ideas).


DJ Omnimaga:

--- Quote from: Xeda112358 on February 12, 2013, 07:41:46 pm ---I still would like to at some point, but I don't know when I would do that .__. Also, welcome blg_flg :D The code wasn't that bad. At least it worked when the bugs were fixed :)

--- End quote ---
It probably depends of how large grammer is in terms of flash app page memory taken. If it fills an entire page (16 KB), then it might be fine (leaving 11 KB to the user), but if it takes 2 pages, the 82 Stats/83 only has 27 KB of memory.

I was thinking about it this morning and I would probably make a version that didn't have as many features. It would still have many more features than Grammer 1, but it would probably be about 6000 bytes and use more OS routines. Currently, Grammer uses mostly custom routines to make things faster, so if I used OS routines, I could probably save about 1000 bytes of code :) Also, I have optimised many routines to be even faster than the Grammer 1 routines (and smaller) so that should help.

That's a very good news ;)
even if it has less features, it will be very appreciated, for now, there is no intermediary between Basic and Asm on TI-83s...


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