Omnimaga > Grammer

Grammer 2-The APP

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Latest Major Release Grammer v2.24.02.12 This may not be up to date (24 February, 2012), but includes documentation.
Latest Minor Release In this case, same as the Latest Major Release. Normally does not include updated documentation
This is Grammer 2-- the App. When you first start it, there isn't much. The menu is by no means pretty and doesn't even give any useful hints for how to use it, but it does get the job done. The real beauty, however, comes in what it provides.

Grammer 2 provides a programming language much like others, but with key differences making it fairly unique. It is an interpreted language with tons of support for graphics and math that results in games and math programs alike. If you have questions, feel free to ask :)

Also, I made a new example for this release :) Enjoy!

(As a note, I haven't actually tested every single command to see if they survived the conversion from program to app, so please report bugs!)
EDIT: First bug found by Awalden: Bad signature. Something went awry with compiling, so the new update should work

Wow! Having grammer as an app makes things much simpler, great job.

Great job XD
* Yeong Downloads

Thanks folks :D Now  can take a break for a little while XD

really? >:D
Feature Request (New):
Inline ASM support
Inputting Strings
External ASM support
Running archived programs
Moar Crash codes

* Yeong runs


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