Omnimaga > Grammer

Grammer 3-Concepts, ideas, requests

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Me too, it's just I haven't really had the drive and focus for a long time. Plus, Grammer 2 was easy, but Grammer 3 will be a massive under taking. SirCmpwn has been trying to encourage me to port Grammer to KnightOS, but I would probably make a "Grammer 2.5" for that. As it is Grammer 2 is almost OS independent, so a few macros should be able to make it easily portable between OSes.

You know I just saw this. Looking for an appropriate place to post a new Grammer forum. I was thinking about having KnightOS on my second calc. But I didn't see any good way to still code like BASIC. I wish I knew how to port.


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