Omnimaga > Grammer

Grammer Feature Requests

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Ahh. I get it now. Thanks for explaining. I know how annoying that can get.  <_< 1337

The Menu( Command Feature Request

Menu(ᵒx,y,w,"Item 1"[Lbl pointer],"Item 2"[Lbl Pointer],etc...

If that's to hard then add + to it maybe?

Another Idea:
Menu('x,y,w,[Lbl pointer]*

*The Lbl would have a description, in the form of a String, that tells the menu what the name should be. If there is no description then the name of the label is used.


--- Quote ---*The Lbl would have a description, in the form of a String, that tells the menu what the name should be. If there is no description then the name of the label is used.
--- End quote ---

I don't understand, sorry. As for the former, you can use the existing Menu(' command. You supply a pointer to a routine that gives the strings, and a routine that does something when an item is selected. In the latter routine, you could Goto different labels based on what is selected.


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