Omnimaga > Grammer


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Latest Version:Grammer v1.14.10.11
Latest App version:Grammer
(may not actually be the latest versions .__.)
Some of y'all may have noticed a few fleeting moments when my sig contained something about "Grammer" so here is pre release. Pretty much, take BASIC ReCode, make it as safe as BASIC, add in lots of cool new features like labels, calls, and executing other programs, and you have Grammer. The best part, this version is going to be nothing like the final product. I plan to add in a program editor with tokens that are not at all like the OS tokens and I plan to add in the ability to add new libraries of commands. For example, I have ideas for graphics libraries and math libraries. Right now, the readme is a mess and I do not expect anybody to be able to code much, yet. However, I have added in some math that is more than simple (square roots, rounded square roots, lcm(, gcd(, nCr, and the like). I have made arbitrary math programs and sub programs with it, games, and other types of programs, but unfortunately I have neither the latest version nor all of my programs. For now, you will have to live with a sample version  >:D

...Also, I am throwing David a bone here... I have designed a sprite routine that can draw sprites to pixel coordinates (not just every 8) and can be multiples of 8 pixels wide  ;D


Haha, thanks! I should clarify "arbitrary math" and say that I made a simple division routine that returned the first 240 digits after the decimal of x/y. The cool part was that it returned the value in whatever base system you wanted it in from base 2 to base 32 :D

I like your first GIF.
I know it wont be hard to program something like that, but it looks really cool!  ;)

Actually, that uses a still experimantal command. The problem with that is that the sprite format is weird ._. However, since then I have added a very nice circle drawing command that should make it nice and easy. An example of some code is:

--- Code: ---:0:Asm(prgmGRAMMER
:1→X →Y
:2→X' →Y'
:Repeat getKey=15          ;So press clear to exit
:Circle(Y,X,3,3                ;Draws an inverted circle
:Circle(Y,X,3,3                ;ReInverts it
:If Y>64
:If X>96

--- End code ---

I have not tested that code, but if it doesn't work, you can press [ON] to break the program (A nice update from ReCode).

EDIT: Okay, I have only a minute of computer time left, so I will also mention that I coded this in mnemonics, not hex, and I have some sample programs mixed in with the download.


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