Omnimaga > Grammer

Latest Grammer Updates

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Grammer v2.50.7.6
Over the past ~2 months, a bunch of bugs have been found and fixed, thanks especially to @NonstickAtom785 and Hans Burch. I also updated the main menu and worked more on documentation. From the main menu, you can now use [*] to archive/unarchive, and the [Hook] option was replaced with [More], where you can enable/disable the token hook and lowercase.
Some of the bugs fixed are:

* Lbl got broken in the previous update, it was fixed for this.
* Vertical was buggy, now fixed.
* Storing Input to an OS string was broken, now fixed. (it would send too many bytes)
* Parsing Input with expr( was broken, it works again.
* Archive / Unarchive were messing with some RAM that Grammer occasionally used, causing a crash. This is now fixed.
* Fixed a bug with using " to end a string.
* Fixed a bug with custom fonts!
* Fixed two bugs with Else not being processed properly.
Some other updates:

* Variable fonts are now slightly indexed for faster access. Text should display faster with it now.
* You can exit the main menu with [On], now.
* You can now select with [2nd] from the main menu.
* nCr, a routine that might never be used by Grammerians, now only overflows when the final result would actually overflow (before, it could overflow during some intermediate calculations).
Compatibility-breaking updates:

* Grayscale is now only offered in 50-50 (3-level) and 33-67 (4-level) modes. I was able to make the LCD update routines faster and smaller. From the old version, presumably nobody would want to use the (uglier) modes anyways.

Grammer v2.50.8.6
In this update, I focused on fonts!

* I broke compatibility with third-party variable-width fonts (all zero of them) made for Grammer. Whereas before, Grammer had a variable font in which each char had its own height and width, now the whole font gets a height byte, and each char gets a width. This seemed a lot more reasonable-- it's a lot easier to program with it, it's a bit faster to access chars, and I could use DrDnar's Monochrome Font Editor
* I converted both the fixed 4x6 font to an mfefont, and I totally remade the variable font as an mfefont
* Whereas before, the variable width font was sparse (missing many chars), now it is complete!
* Yes, huge fonts are supported, technically.
Now for bug fixes. Again, big thanks to @NonstickAtom785 and Hans Burch:

* For <<expr>> is officially documented, and fixed, and now you can nest them.
* For <<var>>,0,65535 no longer causes an infinite loop.
* Rounded square roots now round in the correct direction.
* Yet another If-related bug was fixed, this time the bug was with Then (but not with Then...Else). This bug caused the program to erroneously skip End statements if they were programmed as End:End. Ouch.
* !If works again.
* A page boundary bug was fixed that could cause major issues when reading variables from archive.
Some other updates:

* Modules are no longer verified when calling a module function. Instead, they are verified when they are initialized (ex. "5MYMOD->$) and after verified, Grammer assumes that they remain correct. This reduces some overhead for module functions.

Grammer v2.51.0.0
Time for 2.51 !

The GitHub page is getting a lot more documentation, thanks to @NonstickAtom785 (both in documenting and bugging me to document stuff).

Bug Fixes:

* Fixed bug with Param
* Fixed bugs with Input
* Fixed bug with PauseIf. This was allowing un-breakable infinite loops!
* Fixed bugs with Archive/Unarchive (and similar bugs). These could cause crashes.
* Fixed bugs with archiving in the main menu
* Fixed bug with empty strings
* Fixed bug with ending quotes on strings!
* Fixed Omnicalc/Batlib fonts
* Fixed bug with not implementing screen invert :|

* Optimized Dispgraph
* Added new display methods that allow overlaying or masking multiple buffers
* Added smooth-scrolling tilemap routines! This is long overdue; I reserved space for more tilemap commands and it took 8 years to actually do it >_>
* Reimplemented degree token to temporarily set a buffer
* Added TI-OS fonts to the text routines (request)
* Added support for archived fonts (but not Grammer's variable-width format fonts :/)
* The menu routine font is no longer hard-coded, so you can use custom fonts!
* Menu(' now has a mode to support multiple headers, so you can make menus where you press left/right to go to the next menu.
* Updated variable-width font at request to look like it used to.
* Reimplemented ' option for the Menu( command.
* Added DS<( to complement IS>( (nonstickatom)
* Recreated the program launcher. This is an assembly program that calls the Grammer parser to parse code (caled prgmG250).
Here's a screenshot implementing the smooth-scrolling tilemap commands and new DispGraph techniques:

In news related to Grammer updates, this might be the last major update for a while; life is about to get very busy for me. If all goes according to plan, this "busy" might be longterm :)

EDIT: Forgot to add the files >_>


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