Omnimaga > Graviter


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45% completed

Graviter is a puzzle game in which you basically shift gravity and try to get to an exit without dying.

2nd: Pick up items
Alpha; Swap gravity
Arrow keys: Move left and right

Engine: 78%
Maps: 52%
Menu: 13%

Please post feedback. Note that nothing is set in stone yet, and there are still a few bugs.

Already implemented ----
Gravity axis-switching arrows

Soon to be implemented ----
Switch/door system

future implements ----
moving platforms
gravity-affected blocks

Look in the downloads section for a game called gRaViTy.

Wow, never even saw that. I'll still continue development since it's actually graphical, though.

DJ Omnimaga:
Nice, I liked Raylin's game gravity, I'll have to try that new one later. :)

If I have time I migth make a screenshot, but I can't promise.

Hey this looks really nice :D I think this concept can be taken far ^^ Are you planning any other features to complement the gravity shifting?  Adding keys and doors and stuff like that might make more challenging levels possible, maybe even some scrolling for larger worlds too.

I did notice some of the bugs ;) Like you seem to be able to float in midair, and the spikes on the ceiling don't hurt you


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