Omnimaga > Hot Dog's TI-83+ Z80 ASM for the Absolute Beginner

Hot Dog's TI-83+ Z80 ASM for the Absolute Beginner--Discussion

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DJ Omnimaga:
oh i didnt have much time to read it yet, since I'm always at work or busy on other stuff x.x

Downloaded now for later

i wasn't on my home computer (that has the printer) last two days, so I wasn't able to download it. probably I'll do it today

could you make text/document versions as well as the pdfs by any chance? :{O


--- Quote from: miotatsu on April 28, 2010, 06:40:41 pm ---could you make text/document versions as well as the pdfs by any chance? :{O

--- End quote ---

Not text, but I'll certainly do document versions

DJ Omnimaga:
the issue with doc, tho, is the lower compatibility than PDFs. Text would be nice for people who don't have enough admin priviledges to install a doc/pdf reader on school computers that has no USB port tun run portable softwares from. Else, an alternative would be online version of the tutorials in HTML format.


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