Omnimaga > Hot Dog's TI-83+ Z80 ASM for the Absolute Beginner

Mistakes made in the ASM tutorials

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DJ Omnimaga:
Yeah those old days were kinda hectic about starting up in ASM. So many people kept asking help about that "No END directive before EOF" error even when their code was right and had to add an additional linebreak after their code due to a TASM bug x.x.

It doesn't matter much anymore, though, cuz I pretty much gave up on ASM, seeing as the language is just not for me (altough I wonder if Hot Dog tutorial could give me another chance at it?), so I stuck with TI-BASIC for my entire 9 years in calc programming and recently ventured into Axe. That said, even if I knew ASM a bit, I got told by Iambian himself that making a RPG in ASM is a major hassle because of all the data and large size and that it is why so many ASM RPG projects died in the past. So not only ASM is not suitable for me but it's also not suitable for what kind of game I usually did x.x


--- Quote ---It doesn't matter much anymore, though, cuz I pretty much gave up on ASM, seeing as the language is just not for me (altough I wonder if Hot Dog tutorial could give me another chance at it?), so I stuck with TI-BASIC for my entire 9 years in calc programming and recently ventured into Axe. That said, even if I knew ASM a bit, I got told by Iambian himself that making a RPG in ASM is a major hassle because of all the data and large size and that it is why so many ASM RPG projects died in the past. So not only ASM is not suitable for me but it's also not suitable for what kind of game I usually did x.x
--- End quote ---

I'm flattered  ;)

Anyways, if you were willing to make ASM rpgs if they were easy to do, maybe there's an engine somewhere?  Or if not, maybe you can use bits and pieces from projects--like tilemap routines--to create your own engine, and then "fill in the blanks," and then the rest is just data.  It won't be as good as making a fresh RPG, but it would still allow you to do more than a Ti-Basic RPG.  Actually, if I wasn't seriously considering giving up on calcs after S.A.D., I noticed the S.A.D. engine allowed easy transference to RPG so I was looking into creating one myself.

With all that said, I agree by a long shot that Ti-Basic RPGS are much easier to do.  I think that this is partially because you know you have limits in Ti-Basic, but when it comes to ASM, you have so much you can do that you find it hard to limit yourself.  I doubt that an ASM text-based RPG would be too much harder to write than a Ti-Basic text RPG.

DJ Omnimaga:
Nah the tilemapper isn't a big issue. I heard the major issue was when it came to making the menu and adding all the text. Engine-wise, RPG making was apparently OK. It's just all the game-speficic stuff that was insane. Iambian, who worked on two RPGs so far (Final Fantasy 1 in 2003, which he never finished, and E:SoR, which is still in the works), even recommended me to either stick to TI-BASIC for a calc RPG or to use an hybrid of ASM programs (example, walking engine, fetching its data from BASIC stuff) and BASIC (and xLIB/Celtic) or simply stick to TI-BASIC altogether (since accessing BASIC variables in ASM is apparently tricky)

Mistake in Lesson 10: In binary, 7 = 00000111, not 00001111.  Also, 6 should equal 00000110, not 00001110.

Apparently 15 is the answer to everything huh?


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