Calculator Community > HP Prime

libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs...

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--- Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 25, 2013, 04:01:24 pm ---Just to clarify: as I mentionned in the TI-Planet thread, no matter someone's programming skills, his status in the TI community (for example, admin of an affiliated site) and how long/much he has contributed to the TI community, the Omnimaga rules and punishments remains the same. No one get special treatment when it comes to forum rules here (I was banned too, after all).
--- End quote ---
And this is quite problematic from my point of view. But this is not about getting special/better treatment at all - I've been totally misunderstood.
We'll go on discussing things and come back with a PM/email anyway if we don't get anything else before.

Whatever we do, it seems like we'll have to wait for Lionel before going back on topic... :P

DJ Omnimaga:
On a side note, regarding the HP 39gII connectivity, what makes matters worse is that the official HP Prime connectivity kit from August no longer detects the 39gII at all. They totally broke compatibility. While you can have both 39gII and Prime kits installed simultaneously, installing the Prime one causes the HP 39gII firmware updater to stop running altogether. Since the HP Prime connectivity kit doesn't detect the 39gII, this basically means that you can no longer update your HP 39gII firmware until you uninstall the HP Prime connectivity kit then re-install the 39gII one! (and even then, will it work again?)


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