Calculator Community > HP Calculators

22 FPS 3D graphics on HP Prime! (sort-of)

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DJ Omnimaga:
I was experimenting with the BLIT_P and DIMGROB_P commands then modified my scrolling sprite sheet program, and this is the result that I got: Pseudo 3D graphics running at 16 images per second (160x120 resolution) on the real calculator! *.*

Ok I know this is a particularly cheap way to do it, but if you changed the background of the front graphics to a texture that can be superposed fine (such as the bricks, plain tiles or rocky stuff), it would work well. Now imagine if every layer were pre-rendered into a large GROB, so that no scaling is done during runtime (except the weird camera angle effect).

EDIT: Replaced large GIF with youtube video

EDIT 2: I fixed the transparency issues causing purple to appear.

HOLY ... *.*

Nice, now implements a parralax scrolling lib!

Can't wait to see what you do with this!!!

wow, just wow, that is so epic!
* Sorunome suddenly imagines Majoras Mask on the prime :P


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