Calculator Community > HP Calculators

Can the HP Prime automatically run a program on boot?


The HP 48g series allowed a program to be run automatically when the calculator cold boots—it runs the program in the home directory named STARTUP. I used this feature on my HP 50g to set the KEYTIME variable so that it would not interfere with fast keystrokes, as well as to display a prompt with the current battery level (using a third-party library function).

Can the HP Prime be set up to automatically run a program on a cold boot? If so, what should the program be named?


as is know there is no way to run a program on start up, but i'm not that familiar with the hp prime :(

No, there is no similar capability.

Granted, you have no need or ability to change key behavior - it just works. You also have the battery info displayed on screen at all times so...


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