General Discussion > Humour and Jokes

9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni

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40- You have patched your TIOS to resist all resets and blocks of your evil teachers OR switch to the 3rd party OS (and I do not have inspiration for the teacher reaction)
41- There is an automatic full backup to flash drive every time you plug it in your calculator.

42 - You know where every single TI Basic command is on-calc, so you can quickly access it by quick number presses inside the menus.
43 - You know it's faster to access sub( by pressing "T" and going up than by pressing "S" and going down in the catalog.
44 - You end all of your essays with C9
45 - Press-To-Test is disabled on your calculator
46 - Your flash drive spends more time plugged into your calc than your computer

47 - You spend more time writing games than playing them
48 - You have all the getkey codes memorized
49 - You have soldered peripheral components to a calculator
50 - You have more friends online than in real life
51 - You own more than one identical calculator

52-You can compile ASM code by hand faster than TASM
53-You have the cracked RSA keys for all TI calcs backed up in several places on your computer
54-If someone says "What's up?" you say "25"
55-You've sold a calc on ebay because you left the LCD in test mode for too long
56-You've bought a calc on ebay with a broken LCD
57-You have networked several calc's together to compute fractals faster

58 - You have traded calculators with someone else because they have a lower hardware version
59 - You didn't tell them that they could play GameBoy games on it if they didn't trade


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