General Discussion > Humour and Jokes
9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
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17- You overclock your calculator.
18- You are the only one in class that fixes all calculator problems
19- You code games during Math, Physics or Chemistry Class
20- You have a dictionary in your calculator for English class
21- You have a world map in your calculator for Geography
22- You crack complex cryptography systems with your TI-83+SE
23- You religiously keep your web browser historic in Omnimaga and have more than 10000 visits for half a year.
24- OmnomIRC is always used on every forum visit


--- Quote from: calc84maniac on June 19, 2010, 11:39:25 am ---16- You buy pants with large pockets so you can carry your calculator(s) with you anywhere.

--- End quote ---
That's handy. j/k But I have some and I was stopped in a metal detector on a museums with my pockets full of AA and AAA rechargeable batteries (for various devices like my calc, mp3 player, camera, etc.) AND the re-charger.
DJ Omnimaga:
25- Everyone at school comes at you to get programs
26- If you got $1 everytime someone at school wanted you to send programs to their calc, you would no longer need a job.
27- You hack the teacher's TI presenter and rickroll the entire class
28- When doing math problems, you inaverdently add r at the end of algebra formulas where the variables can be higher than 255
29- You always write "extended" as "ExtendeD"
30 - If you were in a spelling bee, you would say {Str1+X}= before every letter as you spelled your word. (X being the number of the letter you're on minus one)
31- When the teacher uses the CBR or CBL you wait for an opportunity to get technical details about it (copy the firmware, log link transfers, document the protocol)
32- The I/O port of your calculator is used for headphones and you listen to music
33- The USB port is used for USB flash drive and bluetooth (or wifi)
34- You type faster on your calculator than in cellphone or even computer
35- Your calculator has a patched TIOS and multi-boots with a 3rd party OS with multitasking, grayscale and sound.
36- During exams you code TI-BASIC for solving or checking ALL questions
DJ Omnimaga:
37-You manage to code so fast that after the teacher resetted both your RAM and archive, you manage to write all math programs you need during the exam and still finish the exam in time.
38-You do not look at your calc keypad when typing on it (I do this x.x)
39-Same as #37, but in HEX ASM instead of BASIC
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