General Discussion > Introduce Yourself!

Hello, nabako here


Hello Omnimaga,
I am nabako, a german pupil (doing my finals soon  :-\ )

I really enjoy using my TI-84 + in math classes to play and code (mostly little RPGs)

I started with Basic and soon found out that my games were to slow in Basic, but I
didnt want to learn Assembler, luckily I found AXE and this website with many helping hands   ;D

Hope some time I can help newbies like some of you do ;D

Hello there nabako, welcome to the forums!

I am german, too, am already in university, though :D

If you have any questions about axe, just ask them away.

We also have a german section, it's not exactly what you'd call active, though :P

Anyhow, have some peanuts!


Hi! Welcome to Omnimaga!
Also: More peanuts!

Hey there nabako, welcome to Omnimaga! RPGs are the best! :D


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