Calculator Community > KnightOS

Needed Routines

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The following is a list of routines that KnightOS needs in the near future, but that have already been done and optimized several times:

*Line (Black and white lines)
*Rectangles (Black and white outlines, filled and unfilled)
*Linking routines via the I/O port

I have a line drawing routine, but it is only in black.

Please post your routines if you have them, and thanks!  Anyone who posts routines that end up in the OS will get an official thanks in the final version of KnightOS.
More routines will be added to this list as the need arises.


I am sure Quigibo can give you his line routine for well as his rectangle routines (I assume he does not use any TIOS System routines?)

Linking is a different thing...I might actually look that up...

This game  (It finally got featured!!!) has a wonderful linking routine in its source.  Plus it's made by Quigibo, so you could probably get permission to use it. ;D

Thanks, I have a line routine now, and I'll check out that link routine.


Are there any other routines that we need to plan for/work on?


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