Calculator Community > Lua

Codes for touchpad, arrow keys, select button, other keys?

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So on.down(), on.up(), on.left(), and on.right() are for touchpad motions. Right?


--- Quote from: Spyro543 on June 05, 2011, 06:50:19 pm ---This:

So on.down(), on.up(), on.left(), and on.right() are for touchpad motions. Right?

--- End quote ---

EDIT : oops sorry, wrong one. Yeah, so "probably". You can test.
EDIT2 : hum, there is neither "on.right()" nor "on.left", so I think it is for something else.

There is no specification between TouchPad and ClickPad, since the TouchPad invokes a mouse.

So it would go like this:

The mouse is already controlled by the touchpad, no need to program this.
on.mouseDown is when the mouse is clicked, it reports that it was clicked and at what coordinates it was clicked at. What is the syntax for on.mouseDown?


--- Quote from: Spyro543 on June 05, 2011, 06:54:26 pm ---So it would go like this:

The mouse is already controlled by the touchpad, no need to program this.
on.mouseDown is when the mouse is clicked, it reports that it was clicked and at what coordinates it was clicked at. What is the syntax for on.mouseDown?

--- End quote ---

This question is part of the "Starting in Lua" tutoring part. I guess you should look at it before beginning a project (we haven't finished the EN part ... sorry)

To answer quickly : on.mouseDown(x, y)

So on.mouseDown(n, m) will save the X coordinate to var n, Y coordinate to var m?

Or does it have to store to vars x and y?


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