Calculator Community > Lua

ETK: scrolling D2Editor as a member of WScreen?

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Hello Adriweb,

it works!!!

Your comment on the full-screen trick was crucial:

I just switched the value of doNotDisplayIcon variable from 'false' to 'true'

--- Code: ---doNotDisplayIcon = true

--- End code ---

downloaded to the handheld, and the report just appeared!

I did not look deeper into this part of the code so far (I had originally copy/pasted the ETK portion of the code and I've had intention to disable the icon later),
so I don't get it whats going on, but the important is that the magics work!
(BTW, one thing regarding the icon I've noticed: the icon appears on the handheld, but not in the TINCS, but that fact was not worried me as I had intention to switch it off anyway).


I've just saw your recent contribution to this post and thank you for the care.
I posted this evening another topic regarding "Invalid polar complex" error message
that bother me for days, so if you can help me with this issue, I would appreciate it.

Thanks to both of you,


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