Calculator Community > Lua

Lua Q&A

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wheneva i lookz at someone'z lua source code it haz a bunch of trigz and I'z juz like omgz what the crudz doez all this meanz it'z so weirdz
No spamming/trolling intended, I just want to know why you'd wanna use trig in a lua code. I'm not very skilled at programming (YET). Someday, I wanna be the very best. That no one ever was. But anyways, no spamming/trolling intended.

Well, I'm assuming you're talking about trigonometry?
I once started (never finished) a game in which the player moves with 2 arrows, controlling a line, that curves, sort of like snake, but not tied to a grid. I used sine and cosine to move the snakes destination point around a circle when the arrows were pressed. Thats one example.

Yes I'm guessing that trigonometry is essential if I want to learn to program games. I learned basic trig in Geometry, how can I apply that to programming? It's something I've been wondering for a very long time, as i want to program my first game in lua, on the nspire.
Not actually ON the nspire, just for it.

DJ Omnimaga:
Isn't some trig necessary for 3D too?

Trig is necessary for everything that involves rotation or turning.


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