Calculator Community > Lua

Nspire-Lua IDE : plugin for Intellij IDEA

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To load the file into the emulator, maybe some AutoIt hack would as I did for the NdlessEditor.

Hmm, seeing activity on this topic reeminded me that I had a 2.1 version of the plugin that I just uploaded :
No major things but improvements here and there.

Also, depending on IDEA's version (apparently), some autocompletions get better, some "worse" (not so bad but...), meh, it's still very helpful :)

BTW, I have set up in the IDE a special "tool" that makes me able to directly launch TINCS with the script (it saves the .lua file, calls Luna on it, and launches it.)
It's a simple one-liner, and can trivially be ported to a Mac command. As for Linux (and actually nspire_emu, it would require a bit more work, yes...)

How do you get the interactive documentation and arguments help configured properly? I haven't got them working, I've got the autocompleting menus popping up fine but I'm not sure if I've stuffed up config of libraries at some point (putting into Kahlua)

I haven't figured out a way to get args hemp 100% of the time.
It' pretty much because things that are passed by the functions aren't really recognized as external elements (gc for example) that it can look up for help.
Try not passing (temporarily, while you write) gc as an argument, for example, and start typing 'gc:drawS' for example. Sometimes with "gc." I'm not sure.
The Lua addon is great but not so wonderful with external APIs that have objects stuff like this...

Anyway, my setup instructions is nothing more than what I've written in the first post of this topic

hello adriweb,
maybe we can write a Visual Lua based on C#,GDI+,XML and Screen Manager.
how do you think of it?
I think it would be a vase but profound project.


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