Calculator Community > Lua

Setting up Nspire Lua on Linux

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I just made a very quick and simple video on how to compile and make Nspire Lua programs on Linux.

I hope you like it ;) Any questions just post.

Jim Bauwens:
Good job, its very clear for beginners :)
It demonstrates perfectly how much more easy it is than TI's tool which pastes the result to the clipboard.

I use this tool constantly, and you can't program something to work faster. Good job Debrouxl, Adriweb and ExtendeD! (and also David for making this vid :)

Does this produce 0D-encrypted files that are 3.0.2 compatible, or do we need to use 3.0.1 to re-save the TNS?

Jim Bauwens:
No, It doesn't encrypt it, and you will need to resave it in order to use it on 3.0.2. But I think there will come a version which encrypts it soon or later, as ExtendeD has done quite some research on it (as you know).

Ah. I'll be looking forward to the new version, then. :)


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