General Discussion > Music Showcase

Techno Revolution 2007(8?) remix?

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DJ Omnimaga:

I just uploaded this today. It's a very old trance song I was working on back in January 2004 but then I almost lost all progress because of a MTV Music Generator crash and afterward the CD stopped working. I've just recovered the entire work including the lost progress. It is actually similar to Chaos Inside Me and the trance remix of Firestorm.

I wonder if I should finish this? It could be Techno Revolution 2007 or something like that. I was thinking about changing the main bass to something else and possibly add something at the beginning and of course, making the song longer

Radical Pi:
Ooh I loved both of those songs! :D
I don't think I have the time right now but later today I'll give it a review.

DJ Omnimaga:
Here we are! Finally decided to do it since I had more inspiration for music than games atm

finally decided to make an extended version instead of a extended remix finally, altough I changed/moved lot of stuff around

Radical Pi:
Wow o.o
I can't exactly think of a way to say it so it sounds like a compliment, but just know that I mean it as a compliment: This would be the first thing I listen to if I ever become a druggie and want to listen to something that would make me 'Woah...'. This is just... woah... good :D

Radical Pi, you say that, but we all know it would be The Grateful Dead.


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