Omnimaga > Ndless

I need help with gbc4nspire!

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I recently got my Ti nspire cx and I need help with gbc4nspire and other emulators (nespire, and gbspnspire)
I can get the emulators fine, I have ndless. The emulators also recognize the roms perfectly, but every time I try to open a rom it goes directly back to the file screen (this is the same for all the emulators so Im begining to think thats its my fault, not theirs) I would appreciate any help offered to me.
Thanks!  ;D

(fwi: the only game I can get to work is ndoom, and I have already tried the emulators without is, so I know that its not the problem)

Let me ask the obvious : you're not cousin the programs, are you?

what does cousin the programs mean? sorry Im new

Made a typo, sorry. I meant closing instead of cousin. My bad.
(I'm on my phone with Swype so yeah)

I'm not sure what you're trying to say aeTIos. Anyhow... Welcome to omnimaga Bubbleboy. Have you read the included readme file? The only thing i can think of off the top of my head is that the roms might have to be in a specific folder. Someone with more experince should be able to help you.


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