Omnimaga > Ndless

Idling the CPU

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ndless uses a lot of battery life, especially when playing games on it. it had dropped to 25% on my nspire in a week

post 444 unlucky number....

I think ARM is supposed to handle frequency changes well. I do know that the OS frequently clocks the processor down while idle, then clocks it back up when it needs to do something.

that's funny, because mine did this too!! I thought it was the battery-level component which was buggy :o but my batteries are Duracell, and they must last more than 2 months :o when i started testing games and progs such as nTris, gbc4nspire, and the whole bunch of nice projects, it went slower, and slower, and slower, so I could difficultly move the character of Pokémon... Even when CPU runs at the official 2.0 CPU (it's with 2.1 currently)


--- Quote from: calc84maniac on March 15, 2011, 09:52:50 am ---I think ARM is supposed to handle frequency changes well. I do know that the OS frequently clocks the processor down while idle, then clocks it back up when it needs to do something.

--- End quote ---
It only changes the processor speed, though, keeping the bus speed constant.

OS 1.1-2.01: 145002 when active (CPU=90MHz AHB=15MHz), 14000c when idle (CPU=15MHz AHB=15MHz)
OS 2.1: 0a1002 when active (CPU=120MHz AHB=60MHz), 0a0004 when idle (CPU=60MHz AHB=60MHz)

DJ Omnimaga:
The change from 90 to 120 was an excuse to them failing at optimizing 2.1 enough to run at the same speed as the old OS at 90 MHz?


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