Omnimaga > Ndless

Ndless 2.0 for TI-Nspire Clickpad/Touchpad

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Ndless combines a resident program and utilities to open the TI-Nspire to third-party C and assembly development.

Ndless 2.0 is the upcoming version compatible with OS 1.7/2.0/2.1, and with Touchpad models.

The up-to-date source code is available on the Subversion trunk (The login/password: guest/guest, you can accept the certificate).

To build and hack into Ndless 2.0:

 - Install a Subversion client such as TortoiseSVN
 - Checkout (don't Import!) the source code with the URL and account above
 - Set up a C development environment
 - Set up the development environment for Ndless and built it: follow the procedure described in src/doc/Ndess-Development.txt in your working copy
 - Install it on nspire_emu or your calculator by following src/doc/ReadMe.txt

Update frequently your SVN working copy to get and rebuild the latest version.

You may browse the Development resources on Hackspire to start your own programs.

Links to download the TI-Nspire OSes are available in this topic.

Major known issues:

* Installation message replaced by a document format warning on real harware:
The program loader is called before it is installed, earlier than on OS 1.7. The issue doesn't appear on nspire_emu.

Other possible enhancements and known issues are available on the tracker.

Planned features:

* A simple console: The console integrates with programs through stdin and stdout/stderr (replacing the default RS232 interface), to make ports of non-TI-Nspire programs easier. The keyboard is used to type in strings, which are echoed on the screen. stdout/stderr is displayed on the scrolling screen.
A simple shell may also be added, with history and auto-completion of file names to make possible the execution of command-line tools with arguments.

Your help is needed:

- Post any bug report, source-level if possible
- Help us to extend the list of supported syscalls
- Any details, diagnostic or patch which would help fixing the defects is extremely valuable

Ndless is an Open Source project, which means:

* Time is not a constraint. Quality and Features are. Please don't ask for release dates.
* Any contribution (patches, information, problem reports) for this version can be valuable.

And here comes a major problem: nspire_emu doesn't support file transfers for OS 2.x, so debugging is not easy.
Someone once suggested to transfer the file from OS 1.7 and then upgrade the OS. But I get a crash on OS startup, and anyway I wild get mad after a few debug sessions.


--- Quote from: ExtendeD on December 04, 2010, 09:40:51 am ---And here comes a major problem: nspire_emu doesn't support file transfers for OS 2.x, so debugging is not easy.
Someone once suggested to transfer the file from OS 1.7 and then upgrade the OS. But I get a crash on OS startup, and anyway I wild get mad after a few debug sessions.

--- End quote ---

your emulator can't open/edit regular .tns files made in OS>2?

Ncubate directly relies on the link features of Goplat's original nspire_emu.

This is a pure problem of file transfer and does not depend on the version of the .tns.


--- Quote from: ExtendeD on December 04, 2010, 09:48:35 am ---Ncubate directly relies on the link features of Goplat's original nspire_emu.

This is a pure problem of file transfer and does not depend on the version of the .tns.

--- End quote ---

So, I suppose you're gonna have to fix that and make a new version of nspire_emu?


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