Omnimaga > Ndless

ndless 3.2

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Yes, that's right. You don't need the ndless_installer.

does ndless 3.6 work on OS3.1?

I doubt it.  There are different "loop-holes" that are used for both os's.

Nope. Many things (including syscall addresses) are OS version-specific.

DJ Omnimaga:
Indeed. One clue that can indicate that is the fact 3.6 isn't reboot-proof (kinda like OS 1.1). I think only 1 Ndless version worked on multiple OSes and it was Ndless 2.0. It ran on OS 1.7, 2.0.1 and 2.1, but not on 2.0. I think 2.0 support was intentionally left out as a way to discourage using OS 2.0 because that OS was dangerous and could permanently damage click/touchpad calcs in ways similar to OS 3.0.1, but not as bad.


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