Omnimaga > Ndless

Version 1.7 on CAS

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Nevermind!  I have it working!  :w00t:

I went back and played around a bit with the source code.  I was able to add the functions needed to this version so they would work with Ndless 1.7 (thanks critor for "chdir" :)).  Now, just put all the images you want with the name *.bmp.tns in a folder "bmpviewer" (similar to what it done with .gb/.gbc files).  Run "bmpviewer" and you can select your image from the displayed list.  All of the images must be in "bmpviewer" but the actual "bmpviewer.tns" can be in any folder.

Enjoy! :)

EDIT: Er, I guess it might be good if I remember to attach the file :P.

apcalc, could you please share the modifications required for OS 1.7 compatibility so that I can re-integrate them?



Works like a charm.
You save my day! Thanks!  :w00t:


--- Quote from: ExtendeD on December 12, 2010, 03:57:15 am ---apcalc, could you please share the modifications required for OS 1.7 compatibility so that I can re-integrate them?

--- End quote ---


First, I had to add NU_Current_Dir with SYSCALL_CUSTOM:

--- Code: ---static const unsigned addresses[]={0X102ABE70,0X102ADE80};
#define  NU_Current_Dir SYSCALL_CUSTOM(addresses, int, const char* drive, const char* dirbuffer)

--- End code ---

Then, I replaced the "dirlist.c" in the original source with the one included with critor's "ndshell" as bwang's original one used a function "undocfunction(path)" (which I assume is chdir(path)?).  Also, as critor said, I added this to os.h:

--- Code: ---_SYSCALL1(int, chdir, char*)

--- End code ---

Thanks, it's now available on the Subversion trunk.


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