Omnimaga > Ndless

Would Ndless 3.0 be possible through Lua?

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DJ Omnimaga:

On, Kevin Kofler mentions something about these bugs:

Assuming that TI did not fix these, I wonder if they could be used to run some third-party ASM code? Of course I do not know about that stuff much, I just saw his comment at and thought it might be interesting.

I wasn't sure if this should go in the Lua or Ndless section, but since it involves Nspire jailbreaking, I thought it would fit better with Ndless.

The stack overflow ones look the most promising to me. Overflows are usually what allow exploits in the first place.

Best part is, there's no way to fix it since it's a Lua bug, not a TI one :) and we've got a nice list to use, for 3.1,3.2,etc :P


--- Quote from: willrandship on April 17, 2011, 10:26:57 pm ---The stack overflow ones look the most promising to me. Overflows are usually what allow exploits in the first place.

Best part is, there's no way to fix it since it's a Lua bug, not a TI one :)

--- End quote ---
TI can make any changes to the Lua code that they want to, so don't be too sure there.

Sure, I guess, but then they're not using the same Lua, and hopefully they break their periodic table :P

Lua is interpreted so I'm not of how level it can be, but it's promising, some way of allowing the NSpire to C/ARM by making a Lua program like NDless.


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