Omnimaga > Ndless

would you install ndless 3.6?

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@Renatose: will it really use less space?
@JosJuice: nspires are amazing u should get one!!!

DJ Omnimaga:
If all my old favorite Ndless 3.1 programs still run, I would upgrade. That's unless OS 3.6 almost takes the entire memory, though.

The usefulness of Ndless 3.6 is not about people who already have Ndless 3.1, but about people who are blocked on OS 3.6 so I guess "would you update your Ndless" is not a pertinent question to know how many people would use Ndless 3.6.


--- Quote from: nspireguy on February 05, 2014, 10:54:24 am ---will it really use less space?

--- End quote ---
maybe i was misunderstood. I meant that OS 3.1 is smaller than OS 3.6
i think ndless would not be much different on that field.

i would update to be able to have every feature of the latest OS plus ndless without using nlaunch because rebooting takes ages on my nspire touchpad and it consumes a lot of space.

@DJ Omnimaga: do you think that we can still use 3.1 progs on 3.6?
@hayleia: sorry bout that i will change that!


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