Calculator Community > nDoom

Post nDoom bug reports here.

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Yay, I am finally back! Apologies to everyone for this long absence - I actually returned from Varese last Saturday, but first caught an annoying sickness, and then was completely swamped with work (in fact, it's not quite over yet, but at least most of it is now gone - on Sunday, I literally had 6 hours of homework, and that's already having done 2 hours on Saturday).

As for the random crashes on Clickpads and 1,7... I have no idea where on Earth they're coming from. "Couldn't Allocate Lumpcache", for example, is an error that should NEVER happen, since it's just a straightforward malloc(). The random crashes after pressing certain keys, sometimes in combinations, are also very puzzling; There's nothing there that could possibly crash it! It's just straightforward code for shooting and moving!

Sorry for the exclamation marks, but I am rather annoyed by this; Simple code that words perfectly both on the emulator (both in Clickpad and Touchpad modes) and my own calculator, but crashes mysteriously on others. I am quite literally lost, since nothing I myself have, not even the emulator, experiences these bugs.

--- Quote from: SirCmpwn on March 04, 2011, 07:46:53 pm ---Using several means of input at once has unforeseen consequences.  For example, strafing right while moving forward loads the quick save (which pissed me off quite a bit when it happened :P)

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Hmm, that's certainly strange, and should not be happening. I thought Nspire keypads were free from these kinds of hardware key conflicts? I certainly haven't experienced anything like that even with the silliest of button combinations.

--- Quote from: momrocker on March 06, 2011, 02:50:32 am ---However, I did find that I can't move while looking at the map. Was that intended?

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Actually, that was intended, since there were some minor bugs. I put in a quick hack to disable movement; Moving with the map on doesn't really make sense anyway, since you can't see enemies, and new walls that you haven't previously seen don't get discovered.

And as for "ENTER" being the quit key, and re-running the game after exit?
EPIC FAIL :banghead:. No other words describe it sufficiently. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking when I made that choice; Or even if I was thinking at all!
Does anyone know how gbc4nspire accesses the ON key? Because being able to use that would be just ideal...

There's a lot of posts, so I apologize if I missed someone (speak up if I did). Please keep the bug reports coming in, especially the random crash ones... maybe eventually, we'll get a pattern to appear.

PS: I'll be adding custom WAD support, and hopefully fixing the Doom2 crash bug next release, as soon as I get the time (although I've gone through the worst of it now, there's still an insane amount of work this year, every single week... add non-calculator activities, and many days there just isn't any time for programming at all).

DJ Omnimaga:
DOOM 2??!??!!?!?? O.O O.O O.O O.O

Anyway welcome back, sorry to hear you're sick :(

Doom2??? O.o!
Well, the engines are almost the same so why not.

Having an interesting bug. I'm on OS 2.1 for the extra clock speed, and nDoom runs far too fast. I have to downclock it with nover to get it to run at the right speed. Any chance of putting in a speed/framerate limiter to a) fix the speed issues and b) help prevent the screen blur?

Also, I'm getting the glitch where you exit and it instantly reloads. You have to hit enter really fast to exit. Anyway, awesome job on this, haven't had any crashes at all!

EDIT: Just tried to strafe and move forward and the game froze....the first time, pressing ENTER returned me back to the menu, and I reloaded nDoom and tried strafe forward again. The second time the game froze, hitting ENTER caused the calculator to reboot. I am on the CAS Clickpad OS with Ndless 2.0 beta.

EDIT 2: Figured out that the problem only occurs when strafing left and moving forward (esc and forward on clickpad). This key combo, for some reason, loads the quicksave. However, if you don't have a quicksave, the key combo crashes the game. I don't even.


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