Omnimaga > News

Files added to the archive!


DJ Omnimaga:
Long time since the last news. I fynally got my website at home so I can work on it again. The website moved again and is now hosted at The pop-up at freewebpage was annoying and took too long to load. I also added the first files in the archive. Those who are marked with the Omnimaga logo are my programs. It include Hitoshi's FFTOM serie, Joltima and all my RPGs (except Illusiat 4 and RL3). You can check them out.

Talking about RL3, it's nearing completion. I'm working on the final-boss and I'm going to test some programs to increase speed.

current screenshot:

Also two people at Maxcoderz board reported an ERR:ARCHIVED bug in 95000 B.C. I'll see.

Also, I'm going to lose access to internet during the summer vacations, meaning that the site will not be updated during this period. However, update will come back in september, as well as new files and the final version of RL3.


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