Omnimaga > News

4 new website links and minor updates


DJ Omnimaga:
I added two other new website links: and

I also changed the user groups colors to match the rest of the website layout.

UPDATE (2005/08/03): Added another website link to, a Graph 100 and Casio AFX website.

UPDATE (2005/08/03 later): Added another website link to

Umm, I suggest not keeping my site up there, it's really not what I use, and won't be what I use, probably, but if you want to keep it up, go ahead...

DJ Omnimaga:
well I keep old websites here (I found your link in a comment page at, like Patori Calcsoft programming group, if you ever start a new website tell me and I will change the URL :) Hence why I specified its no longer updated


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