Omnimaga > News

The Sword of Darkness project page added

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DJ Omnimaga:
Today I'm adding a new RPG in the project section that once finished, will probably be one of the greatest 68k RPG of all time. The Sword of Darkness is a Card/RPG with Sci-Fi and Final Fantasy elements. The game is linear but mission based. It's designed for the ti-89 titanium but should be compatible with HW2. It's written in BASIC but also uses Flib and Xpak. Here are some screenshots:

The Sword of Darkness Borrows a lot of Sprites from Zelda and Final Fantasy, but maintains originality and unique appeal. It will also feature cinematic scenes (like in the FFTOM series on the TI-83+/84+/SE), 25 hours of gameplay and will come in about 4 different versions. Right now the project is on hold due to school but the author plan to finish it onced he have more free time. For more info see TSOD project page in the project section

That looks interesting. Is there a demo...? *Goes to look*

Edit: Nope, guess not...

yeah, i don't have a demo yet.  Perhaps in the near future.  I could make one to show off the maping system that is 100% funtional.  I could finish the game in two weeks if I could just sit down and write a battle routine.  The program is a bit of a challange for me.  I guess it is just on huge loop.  Still just the thought...

Thing done:
Map Drawer (Instantly fast)
RPG style Texter (Perfect and fast)
Menu Library (Flawless but average speed)
Sprites (Did I mention you play as three different characters!)
Intro (Complete)

THings to do:
Finish the Maps (50% done...spans three fully graphical continents+)
Battle System (!)
Monster Dictionary (nearing 200 monsters)
Loader and Saver + compression (cant be done until game is 100% complete)

DJ Omnimaga:
sound nice so far, wow 200 enemies thats a lot (thats almost 3 times more enemies than in the reing of legends 3), how much memory does it take right now?


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