Omnimaga > Nspire I/O


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Nice work ;)

I just compiled just now, i'm giving you the binairies for the lazy guys.
Just put the .h in the include folder and the .lib file in the lib folder! :p

Compiled with Prizm-SDK 0.3

Thanks, nice work on your side too because all I did is to replace the SetPixel and getch routine, the rest (at least all that is related to display/keyboard) depends on them. (That and solving many weird compilation problems -_-)

And thanks Eiyeron for posting the binaries, keep in mind several functions are all stubs (reg_* and uart_*, getch only supports EXE) in this version. I think it's pretty enough to make lots of wonderful stuff. ^_^

ooh, fancy =D* shmibs is going to be checking this out.

UPDATE: Input should work (some keys might be missing though, I should add more keys, tell me what you think) and instead of drawing the screen manually with Bdisp_something it's drawn pixel-by-pixel now (drawing the screen fully is rather slow but it might be more effective for redrawing single characters, but again, tell me what you think, I think I'll need lots of input on this.)

By now, the basic display input/output should work enough for making potable applications, it's just that initializing the console is slow, therefore this library is now released as beta. (Not tested this commit yet as I have some problems with my Prizm on this computer.)

EDIT: Now that I tested it, wtf the keys aren't even at the right place. ???


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