Calculator Community > Oasis

Oasis - cross platform z80 assembler

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I think it's what builderboy said.
anywho, updates: it has some error handling, so like if the input file doesn't exist, or an include file doesn't it will error and quit, if the output exists it will warn you, if the output exists and is a .asm, .z80 or .inc it will error. If you don't put any arguements it will give a small help, if you type in --help as the main arguement it will give you the help menu if you give --version it will output the current version.
the assembler will now get rid of fully commented lines, I probably should tackle other comments as well...but they will be harder.

Oasis should actually work on windows with a few small changes :D so I might be multi system :P

Multi system would be great :D Im not much of an assembler myself, but i can appreciate a well built program 8)

lol, thanks :) well hopefully it works well, I'll have to figure out condidtional statements and such for the compiler to make sure you can compile for both systems from one source :)

DJ Omnimaga:
Keep up the good work!

small small update, warnings now display as yellow, errors as red, includes are green :)


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