Calculator Community > Official Contest

Advanced routine contest

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Well, since the last contest was a massive dud, I think I will give this one last try.  So, I decided that a problem with many contests is they take to much, hopefully here is one where you probably wont have that problem.  The challange will be to create the most advanced and versatile routine for a single selected task such as an enemy managing routine, a weapon routine, an rpg combat routine, etc.  All these routines will have very concrete rules and requirements and will restrict the imagination to how to execute the code instead of what the code should do.  So, as such, I will set the following deadlines.

-Saturday, September 16, voting for which routine the contest will be on ends and the contest begins.
-Saturday, September 30, contest ends (that is just 2 weeks)
-The following Saturday, all entires will be tested against a yet to be made rubrik and the winner anounced.

I will officialy resign from contest manager after that.

The contest will be a platfrom engine with details will be posted bellow.

Platform Game Routine Contest:
Your goal is to create a game routine with at least the minimum requirements below stated as well as many optional components as you can
Your program will be designed for use with an matrix based map with each matrix entry representing a single unit of an 8X8 grid.
Your Program will need to be able to react to collision of the following: 0: non-wall, 1: wall, 2: invisible wall
You may use what ever form of display you want (picture, tile map system, etc.)to display your map, but it most be called externally from program "Draw"
How the map is displayed will not effect the score so long as it corresponds with the Matrix Map I include bellow.  Walls should be black rectangles.
All optional variables are initialized in program START which then launches the routine program with each variable being stored on its own line.

--Requirement: 25 points each--100points total
--Additional: 50 points total
--Optional: 5 points each--50 points total

1. character moves around the screen based upon vars x,y
"real(1,X,Y,8,8,0,0,0,1,0,1" You may use what ever sprite you wish.

Optional: instead the character has a looping sequential animation (spaced 8 pixels horizontally apart) with the animation length based on List1(1) and the original sprite based upon L1(2)
Optional2: the character has a changeable image index based upon the vars with the pic X in L1(3) and Y*8 in L1(4)
Optional3: if the character is moving left or right
Optional4: using variable D to flip the sprite left when left is pressed and back when right is pressed if L1(5)=1

2. The direction keys left and right cause the character to move a variable amount +/-'V' and this is combined with X and stored into the X variable.

optional: V increases each time the left/right keys are pressed a variable amount L1(6) up to a maximum amount L1(7) instead
optional2: The value V decrease from a certain amount of friction L1(8) each turn instead of becoming zero instantly each turn
optional3: if there is no ground bellow character, if L1(9) is 1 then there is no movement left or right (momentum based jumping) otherwise character moves normally

3. When up is pressed, the character jumps up for variable amount of time 'J' at a variable speed 'I' and then falls at a variable speed 'G' which each turn effects y.  Jumps should be limited to when there is a collision below the character with a wall, and falling limited to when there is not.

optional:  'I' increases a variable amount L1(10) up to a maximum amount L1(11) for 'J' instead
optional2: after J is 0, character falls at a speed G that increases at a rate of L1(12)
optional3: if L1(13) is 1, if a collision with wall is detected above, stop jumping and start falling

4. If there are collisions left or right, the movement in those directions stops.

1. Size of code
2. Speed of code
3. Lack of errors

the following is the map I will test with

those routines are pretty hard.. it would take me more than two weeks. :(

QuoteBegin-leofox+9 Sep, 2006, 10:16-->QUOTE (leofox @ 9 Sep, 2006, 10:16) those routines are pretty hard.. it would take me more than two weeks. :(

DJ Omnimaga:
hmm platform routine doesnt seems to bad, assuming you mean just the walkingf part, no enemies


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