Calculator Community > Official Contest

Nspire Game Contest: Who's participating

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--- Quote from: DJ_O on July 28, 2011, 06:41:26 pm ---Maybe he got school 12 months per year in his area or he has summer classes.

And yeah I hope they participate. I mean in Europe (from experience on forums in the past few years) typically most people don't care enough about calculators to post on calc forums, let alone program for calcs, so as a result, almost our entire european Nspire userbase is gone and TI-BANK is very very quiet.

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Jim Bauwens doesn't go to school, he studies at home and takes exams.

But yeah it's the French guys I hope participate :)


--- Quote from: DJ_O on July 28, 2011, 06:41:26 pm ---I mean in Europe (from experience on forums in the past few years) typically most people don't care enough about calculators to post on calc forums during vacations, let alone program for calcs then, so as a result, almost our entire european Nspire userbase is gone and TI-BANK is very very quiet.

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I'm from Europe and i care enough abouth calcs to keep programming them and posting on calc forums during summer

But I won't be participating becouse i don't have an nspire (I never even saw one IRL, actually)

DJ Omnimaga:
Oh right I forgot he was studying at home. And Ben_g nice to hear. I just noticed a lot of the people from there vanishes during Summer. Example: Hoffa, Wierden, Compu and Levak hardly ever post anymore now and people such as Adriweb are hardly active either.

I think pianoman is.  I still haven't learned lua yet...

Just saw this. I am :D


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